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Pros and Cons of In-House Video Production

A terrific-looking video is an extremely powerful marketing tool for your business. For one, it is a vital marketing element that you can utilize across platforms, from your website to your social media presence and beyond. But you only achieve successful videos through quality video production.

Corporate video production is just one of the many areas we specialize in here at JLB Media Productions, tapping into our wealth of experience and resources to provide our clients with the top-notch video production services they should expect.

However, we also understand that some companies may have the size and scope to consider bringing video production in-house, so today we broke down the decision into a basic pros and cons list. While there are benefits to each side, a business should carefully consider which route is best for the long-term success of the company. Besides, JLB Media is always here for you!


1. Volume

If you think your company is going to dedicate lots of time and resources toward corporate video production for any number of goals, then in-house video production might make sense. Once you have space, staff and equipment needed, you can make as many videos as you need.

2. Economy

Building on the previous point, brining corporate video production into your company’s scope allows you to make videos more economically as the upfront cost of space, equipment and staff eventually pay itself off as you save costs hiring the work out.

3. Turn-Around Time

Having video production services in-house allows your business to control the pace of the process. You no longer have to wait on a third party to receive the videos, so this can speed the process up and free you up to make more videos or execute your strategies quicker.

4. Management

This is your product, which means you have absolute control over the end product. You have more control over the budget and allocation of resources, which can save you time and money in the long run.


1. Significant Investment

Video production isn’t cheap. There is a hefty upfront investment in the proper equipment, proper space and staff to produce the videos, just to name a few. You might not make it back.

2. Lack of Experience

Corporate video production, or any other form, requires plenty of experience and knowledge in order to produce quality videos. Customers will turn away from poor work and your investment may all be for naught.

3. Ongoing Expenses

Technological equipment, like video production, requires, is always advancing. Within a matter of years, you could be using inferior equipment and require upgrades, not to mention routine maintenance and replacement. This is all very expensive.

4. Storage and Archiving

Chances are, you’re recording high definition video, likely even 4K video. These are large files and require adequate storage and archiving. This makes the need for a backup system essential, plus organizing it, maintaining it and upgrading storage as needed.